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Re: [sc-users] Exquisite Corpse-mas

no problems here with svn 8169


El Dec 25, 2008, a las 10:00 PM, Fredrik Olofsson escribió:

hard to continue with the local server going...

unknown exception in real time
unknown exception in real time
unknown exception in real time


unknown exception in real time

is it me or anyone else have the same problem?
current svn, macbook pro, intel, osx.4.11, memSize 32768

24 dec 2008 kl. 09.18 skrev Tim Walters:

// we haven't had one of these in a while...


var osctypes, oscFunc, synthDefNames, synthDefFunc, counter, verbBus;
osctypes = UGen.allSubclasses.select({
	var m;
	m = c.class.findRespondingMethodFor(\ar);
m.isNil.if({ false }, { (m.argNames[1] === \freq) && m.argNames.includes(\mul) })
	// remove un-modulatable or poorly interpolated UGens
c === FSinOsc || "[L|N]$".matchRegexp(c.asString) || "LFNoise".matchRegexp(c.asString)

oscFunc = {
	|freq = 220, level = 0|
	var subnode;
	subnode = (level/3).coin.if({
	}, {
{ LPF.ar(oscFunc.value(exprand(0.5, 5000), level + 1), 5000, exprand(1, 1000)) } ! 2
	osctypes.choose.ar(freq: freq + subnode)

synthDefNames = { |i| "Metamucil" ++ i.asString } ! 100;

synthDefFunc = {
	SynthDef(synthDefNames.wrapAt(i), {
|out = 0, verbBus, freq = 220, gate = 1, attack = 0.5, release = 0.5|
		var env, osctree, panner, final;
env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(attack, 1, release), gate: gate, doneAction: 2); osctree = Limiter.ar(LeakDC.ar(oscFunc.value(freq)) * -30.dbamp) * -3.dbamp; panner = Mix.fill(2, { |i| Pan2.ar(osctree[i], LFNoise1.kr(exprand(0.1, 5.0))) });
		final = panner * env;
		Out.ar(verbBus, rrand(-36, 0).dbamp * final);
		Out.ar(out, final)


verbBus = Bus.audio(s, 2);

~verbSynth = { GVerb.ar(In.ar(verbBus.index, 2), drylevel: 0) }.play;

counter = 0;

p = Pbind(
	\instrument, Pfunc({
		var x = counter;
		counter = counter + 1;
	}, inf),
	\freq, Pfunc({ exprand(20, 2000) }, inf),
	\dur, Pfunc({ exprand(0.5, 10.0) }, inf),
	\legato, Pfunc({ exprand(1.0, 4.0) }, inf),
	\attack, Pfunc({ exprand(0.5, 5.0) }, inf),
	\release, Pfunc({ exprand(0.5, 5.0) }, inf),
	\verbBus, verbBus.index

e = p.play;

e.stop; // might take a little while



Tim Walters | The Doubtful Palace | http://doubtfulpalace.com

    fredrikolofsson.com     klippav.org     musicalfieldsforever.com

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