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Re: [sc-users] "What's wrong with this picture?"

or just hit comd (no period) when the scope is in focus.

the story behind this screenshot is that when Dan created the sc sourceforge homepage about 2 years ago, all the pictures under the screenshot category showed sc with some kind of gui patches/systems running. hardly no code visible. i thought this could possibly scare people away from using sc :-) and wanted to add something showing what sc really is about - raw syntax and waveforms. the screenshot isn't faked but taken at a time (spring07) when there was a bug in the scope window and it never cleared. so it was very possible to take that shot. sorry to spoil it.

josh - i can't get the scope to freeze with you example below.

24 dec 2008 kl. 19.03 skrev Josh Parmenter:

Actually... try this:

s = Server.internal.boot;

{LFSaw.ar(SinOsc.ar.exprange(20, 2000), 0, 0.5).dup}.scope;

Then, cmd-. This froze the scope for me.



On Dec 24, 2008, at 8:07 AM, James Harkins wrote:


It is either extraordinary timing on the part of the screenshot-taker, or it's impossible :)

     fredrikolofsson.com     klippav.org     musicalfieldsforever.com

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