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Re: [sc-users] "What's wrong with this picture?"

the story behind this screenshot is that when Dan created the sc sourceforge homepage about 2 years ago, all the pictures under the screenshot category showed sc with some kind of gui patches/systems running. hardly no code visible. i thought this could possibly scare people away from using sc :-) and wanted to add something showing what sc really is about - raw syntax and waveforms. the screenshot isn't faked but taken at a time (spring07) when there was a bug in the scope window and it never cleared. so it was very possible to take that shot. sorry to spoil it.

josh - i can't get the scope to freeze with you example below.

24 dec 2008 kl. 19.03 skrev Josh Parmenter:

Actually... try this:

s = Server.internal.boot;

{LFSaw.ar(SinOsc.ar.exprange(20, 2000), 0, 0.5).dup}.scope;

Then, cmd-. This froze the scope for me.



On Dec 24, 2008, at 8:07 AM, James Harkins wrote:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/danstowell/2898577451/in/pool- supercollider/

It is either extraordinary timing on the part of the screenshot- taker, or it's impossible :)

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