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Re: [sc-users] google maps and sc users


after one world-day, we have 47 sc-users pin-pointed 'round the world, and hey, we are distributed throughout USA, Mexico, Venezuela, pretty much everywhere in Europe, Turkey (hey, almost in Europe :-), and Australia!

That makes it 4 Continents out of 7!

But where is our Japanese sc-hero on the map?
And I'm also missing at least some guys in Austria :-)
And what's about Mongolia, Kazakhstan or Niger, Nigeria or Iceland?
Its really fun to look where to go for my next holidays :-)

Merry Christmas to the whole world of SuperCollider!

Btw, it would be a pleasure for me to add you to the map, even if you do not own a google account, and don't want to create one…
Just contact me off-list
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