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Re: [sc-users] SynthDef>VirtualRoom


since you have pushed the ProxySpace, everything you assign with ~ (e.g. ~vFMae) is inserted into the ProxySpace. 3 solutions:

(1) use an event for storing your voicer:

q = ();
q[\vFMae] = Voicer(5, \FMae1);


This solution is not really convenient since I've got many assignations with ~

yes, this is often an issue. You could also use "use": q.use { ~vFMae = ... };
but there are other ways to solve this too.

(2) do not push the proxyspace:

p = ProxySpace(s);


(3) use a NodeProxy as input:
a = NodeProxy(s);
a.source = \FMae1;
v.addSource(a, \space, ...);

... and these ones don't work...


Isn't it kind of a contradiction to trigger the synth with Voicer + VoicerMIDISocket and use it as a NodeProxy at the same time? With the following code I trigger the synth (and I can hear it) but the signal is not sent to the VirtualRoom....

I don't know what you are trying to do. You can play the output of any pattern or synth into a proxy by setting \out to proxy.index. Or you can set your midi action function to something like:

{ proxy.spawn([\freq, the freq.., \amp, the amp...]) }

note that then your synthdef should free itself.

x = NodeProxy(s);

~vFMae = Voicer(5, \FMae1);
~msFMae = VoicerMIDISocket(0, ~vFMae, 37, 59);
~msFMae.noteOnArgsPat = Pbind(\sustain, Pkey(\velocity) * 0.00315, \freq, Pkey(\midinote), \attack, Pfunc( { a.slots[3].at( 48 ).value } ));

v.addSource(x, \space, [1, 2, 2.5]);

Thank you for your help.

I'd like to plug a SynthDef to a VirtualRoom, and trigger the synth using MIDI. Since VirtualRoom needs a NodeProxy.audio as input, I tried this:


p = ProxySpace.push;

VirtualRoom.kemarPath = "KemarHRTF/";

v = VirtualRoom.new;



// ... (then some settings and v.play to start the VirtualRoom)...

// and finally my input...


~out = \FMae1;

v.addSource( ~out, \space, [1, 2, 2.5]);

// but then using the following code seems absurd, and I can't figure out how to trig the synth using midi...


~vFMae = Voicer(5, \FMae1);

~msFMae = VoicerMIDISocket(0, ~vFMae, 37, 59);

~msFMae.noteOnArgsPat = Pbind(\sustain, Pkey(\velocity) * 0.00315, \freq, Pkey(\midinote), \attack, Pfunc( { a.slots[3].at( 48 ).value } ));


I got this error message:

ERROR: 'prepareForProxySynthDef' should have been implemented by Voicer.

Thank you,



Cédric Dambrain

website: <<http://www.cedricdambrain.net>http://www.cedricdambrain.net><http://www.cedricdambrain.net>www.cedricdambrain.net

phone:	 +32 473 88 66 43

address:	 rue Van Campenhout, 40

		 1000 Brussels




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