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Re: [sc-users] pdef inside synthdef

hello im having a problem with pdef.  I need to put a pdef inside a
synthdef. Ive tried the following code but it doesnt work , the idea is
when i create a "holi" synth it shouild create a rythmical pattern , any
idea whats am i doing wrong?

unfortunately, patterns cannot be part of a SynthDef. So you can't mix Pdef and ugens directly. But your example does not need any such combination, just remove the SynthDef and replace it by Pdef:

Pdef(\holi, Pbind(\instrument, \holo,
			\freq, 50.rand + 1,
\dur, Pseq.new([20.rand * 0.1 , 0.5, 0.25, 0.5], inf); // dur arg


SynthDef(\holo, { arg freq= 229, amp = 0.1, pan= 0.0;
var signal, env;
env= EnvGen.ar(Env.perc, doneAction:2);
signal =SinOsc.ar(freq,0.5) * env;

signal = Pan2.ar(signal, pan);

SynthDef(\holi, { arg freq= 9, amp = 0.1, pan= 0.0;
var signal, env;
		Pbind(\instrument, \holo,
					\freq, 50.rand + 1,
\dur, Pseq.new([20.rand * 0.1 , 0.5, 0.25, 0.5], inf); // dur arg

		)			).play;



  simeon cosik

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