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Re: [sc-users] Re: Buffer allocation
Sorry, having a bit of trouble with my mail server, below is my original
question and your response.
On Dec 14, 2008, at 2:27 PM, saul@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
~bufCh = ~ exSamples_Buf[temp].bufnum;
~bufLen = ~ exSamples_Buf[~bufCh].numFrames/44100;
Since temp is the index into the array, you should use temp consistently.
The problem is, maybe ~exSamples_Buf[temp].bufnum == temp, but maybe not.
If it's not equal, then ~bufLen is basically garbage.
: H. James Harkins
: jamshark70@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: http://www.dewdrop-world.net
"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal." -- Whitman
Hi All,
I have an issue with loading multiple samples into buffers.
Firstly I am loading all the samples from a directory into an array of
//create an array containing the filenames in the directory
~exSamples ="sounds/frontpage/exspressoBrkRingDel/*".pathMatch;
// make an array of buffers
~ exSamples_Buf = ~ exSamples.collect({ arg i;Buffer.read(s, i);});
I am then playing them back through a task with the wait time dependent on
the length of each sample:
~t1 = Task({
inf.do({ | i | var temp;
temp = i % 29;
~bufCh = ~ exSamples_Buf[temp].bufnum;
~bufLen = ~ exSamples_Buf[~bufCh].numFrames/44100;
~bR1 = Synth.tail(~inputGroup, "sample", ["bufnum", ~bufCh , "rel",
~bufLen, "rate", [1, 0.5, -1].wchoose([0.90, 0.9, 0.01]), "busOut",
[12, 16].wchoose([0.95, 0.05])]);
This works fine on its own, but as soon has I allocate any other buffers,
the above task partially plays the array of buffers and then give the
ERROR: Message 'numFrames' not understood.
The size of the array seems constant and buffer allocation appears
Any help much appreciated,
> Unfortunately, by now I've lost the original message and I don't
> remember what your code looked like.
> hjh
> On Dec 21, 2008, at 4:39 PM, saul@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Thanks James for your quick response.
>> This leads me to questioning some of my basic understanding.
>> temp is the index of the array, but I assumed that .bufnum gave the
>> allocation number of that buffer regardless of the order in which
>> it was
>> loaded. So it should not matter if ~bufCh == temp or not. ~bufCh
>> should
>> be the bufnum of a buffer at index temp?
>> Obviously this is not correct so were am going wrong?
>> I also assumed that .free would remove the the buffers, but again this
>> does not happen quit has I expected, new buffer still get
>> allocation after
>> the just freed buffers.
>> Thanks again,
>> Saul
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> : H. James Harkins
> : jamshark70@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> : http://www.dewdrop-world.net
> .::!:.:.......:.::........:..!.::.::...:..:...:.:.:.:..:
> "Come said the Muse,
> Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
> Sing me the universal." -- Whitman
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