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Re: [sc-users] Happy holiday kind of SC X-mas screensaver
this is not a redirect problem
> Also, I found in the most recent svn that the Pen redirect doesn't
> work... Pen.strokeColor = *** fails with a doesNotUnderstand error.
> Jesper, that isn't your problem :) anyway, I could play it by
> replacing Pen by SCPen. (Don't worry, it's a pre-3.3 issue that will
> have to get sorted out.)
cmd-y on strokeColor yields:
Implementations of 'strokeColor' :
SVGCircle:strokeColor : this.strokeColor
SVGEllipse:strokeColor : this.strokeColor
SVGLine:strokeColor : this.strokeColor
SVGPath:strokeColor : this.strokeColor
SVGPolyLine:strokeColor : this.strokeColor
SVGRect:strokeColor : this.strokeColor
Do you have an extension that overrides or extends Pen?
the new Pen will redirect to SCPen, since its doesNotUnderstand method is:
*doesNotUnderstand{|selector ... args|
^this.implClass.perform(selector, *args) }
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