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Re: [sc-users] New Ugens

using the first bin (bin 0) ?


Andrew Pascoe escreveu:
Averaging over the samples in an audio file does not necessarily give
you the DC offset.  For some signals, it may not be too far off
though.  Try using an FFT instead.


On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Miguel Negrao
<miguel.negrao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Rob Watson escreveu:
Hello list,

I've just published a couple of UGens. they're the first i've
written so any feedback would be welcome.

SwitchDelay - feedback delay line implementing switch-and-ramp
technique (compensates for discontinuities in signal when switching
buffer read pointer/delay time)

AverageOutput - super-simple solution to obtaining mean average of a

Full info in the help files.
tarball: http://github.com/rfwatson/rfw-ugens/tarball/master

It's quite possible I suppose that these have been done before
somewhere, but hope somebody finds them useful..;)


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The averageOutput UGen could be used to detect DC offset, right ?
Miguel Negrão // ZLB

sc-users mailing list

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Miguel Negrão // ZLB

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