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Re: [sc-users] recording a Pbind into a Buffer

thank you James,

Finally I decide the number of beats before the recording,
and fixed the length of buffer like this,

~recbuf = Buffer.alloc(s,  60/bpm * numBeats * s.sampleRate, 2);

lt's enough for me this time,


On 2008/12/16, at 23:01, James Harkins wrote:

The Pfx approach does stop the recording synth as soon as the Pbind is finished. I can see that it might not do everything, though, for instance when recording to disk. It wouldn't automatically close the buffer. That doesn't sound like it would be too difficult, but I have to run to work very soon, no time to figure it out right now. Maybe later in the day.


On Dec 16, 2008, at 4:21 AM, tn8 wrote:


It's nice and I wanted to do the same thing. but
is there any way to stop recording automatically when Pbind stopped?



On 2008/12/02, at 12:21, James Harkins wrote:

On Dec 1, 2008, at 7:27 AM, Dan Stowell wrote:
Hi -

I have a Pbind which generates 8 seconds of sound. I'd like to play it and record it into an 8-second-long Buffer at the same time, but I'm not sure about the neatest way to do this without losing some of the
beginning/end. How would you do it?

Actually I think this would be really clean to do with Pproto, but currently it doesn't have support for making nodes or groups in the initialization function.

Ron, is there a reason why synth/group support is not there? There is a group event type, but it's commented out.

Actually, come to think of it, why not Pfx? This way it will automatically stop the recorder when the pattern exits.

SynthDef(\bufrec, { |bufnum, gate = 1, bus|
	var	sig = In.ar(bus, 1);
	FreeSelf.kr(1 - gate);
	RecordBuf.ar(sig, bufnum);

b = Buffer.alloc(s, 8 * s.sampleRate, 1);

p = Pfx(Pbind(\degree, Pseries(0, 1, 8), \dur, 0.25), \bufrec, \bufnum, b, \bus, 0).play;

: H. James Harkins
: jamshark70@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: http://www.dewdrop-world.net

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Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

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