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Re: [sc-users] mouseX, Intrinsic.h

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Henricus J. Holtman <clfest@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Wouldn't constructing a soft link from the place where scons expects
to find Intrinsic.h to where the file is solve my problem?  Where does
scons look for Intrinsic.h if I enter the command from the directory

scons PREFIX=/usr/ LANG=no

you can find that in the SConstruct file in your SC_64 dir:

if env['X11']:
    if type(env['X11']) != types.StringType:
        if os.path.exists('/usr/X11R6'):
            env['X11'] = '/usr/X11R6'
        else: env['X11'] = '/usr'
    x11Env = Environment(
        CPPPATH = [os.path.join(env['X11'], 'include')],
        LIBPATH = [os.path.join(env['X11'], 'lib')])
    x11Conf = Configure(x11Env)
    features['x11'] = x11Conf.CheckCHeader('X11/Intrinsic.h') \
                      and x11Conf.CheckLib('X11', 'XQueryPointer')
    libraries['x11'] = x11Conf.Finish()
    features['x11'] = False

in my 64 bit install it finds it in /usr/include/X11 . A few days back I set this up without a problem. If the file is there, try removing all scons-releated cache files:

rm  -rf .scon*

in the SC_64 dir and rebuild. If the file is there I can't think of any other reason why this shouldn't work..

