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Re: [sc-users] mouseX, Intrinsic.h

krgn wrote:

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:29 AM, Henricus J. Holtman <clfest@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:clfest@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    krgn wrote:

    depending on which distro you're using the name of the package
    may vary, but in debian you need to install libxt-dev.

    dpkg --search Intrinsic.h
    libxt-dev: /usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h
    I have /usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h presently on my system, only
    scons doesn't seem to find it.  Is there
    some way to induce scons to find it?  As you can see below it
    reports that it cannot find X11/Intrinsic.h,
    but it does not give the full pathname where scons is looking.  If
    it can find Intrinsic.h, does that mean
    it would also give me a yes for X11?

hmm, maybe its not only libxt-dev it needs. from reading the SConstruct file I can't see that its checking for anything else. have you tried to install all of xorg-dev files?



    On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 9:17 PM, Henricus J. Holtman
    <clfest@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:clfest@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        I am trying to learn SuperCollider on my amd64 system.  When
        I try this command:

        { Crackle.ar(MouseX.kr(1,2), 0.5) }.scope(1);

        I get:

        Synth("1841395681" : 1000)
        exception in GraphDef_Recv: UGen 'MouseX' not installed.
        *** ERROR: SynthDef 1841395681 not found
        FAILURE /s_new SynthDef not found

        So apparently mouseX is not installed.  Going back to
        installing scsynth in the 64 bit system,
        which I do with:

        # cd ~/src/SC_64/SuperCollider3
        # scons PREFIX=/usr/

        I get:

        scons: Reading SConscript files ...
        classvar scVersionMajor=3, scVersionMinor=2,
        classvar scVersionMajor=3, scVersionMinor=2,
        Checking for pkg-config... (cached) yes
        Checking for sndfile >= 1.0.16. <http://1.0.16.>.. (cached) yes
        <SCons.Memoize.SConsEnvironment object at 0x2b27e7a70f90>
        Checking for libcurl >= 7... (cached) yes
        Checking for fftw3f... (cached) yes
        Checking for jack >= 0.100... (cached) yes
        Checking for avahi-client... (cached) no
        Checking for howl... (cached) no
        Checking for alsa... (cached) no
        Checking for C header file
        Checking for C header file linux/input.h... yes
        Checking for C header file cwiid.h... no
        Checking for C header file altivec.h... no
        Checking for C header file xmmintrin.h... yes
        NOTICE: CPU has SSE support
        Checking for C header file X11/Intrinsic.h... (cached) no
        Checking for C function strtod()... yes
        ALTIVEC:                 no
        AUDIOAPI:                Jack
        MIDIAPI:                 None
        DEBUG:                   no
        DEVELOPMENT:             yes
        LANG:                    no
        LID:                     yes
        WII:                     no
        PREFIX:                  /usr/
        RENDEZVOUS:              no
        SCEL:                    yes
        SCVIM:                   yes
        SSE:                     yes
        CROSSCOMPILE:            no
        TERMINAL_CLIENT:         yes
        X11:                     no

    So apparently X11, is not known to scons, nor Intrinsic.h.  I have
    Intrinsic.h on my system, as well as


        The location of Intrinsic.h is /usr/include/X11/Intrinsic.h.
         How do I get scons to recognize X11?
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-- ( c * k ) ^ g

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( c * k ) ^ g
I tried installing xorg-dev, still same result:

Checking for C header file X11/Intrinsic.h... (cached) no


X11:                     no

Any other ideas? My sclang in the 32-bit chrooted jail can find these. Hmm...


"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." - Oz the Great

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