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Re: [sc-users] arduino

Thanks Artem, that works perfectly.
Maybe could be added to the Arduino helpfile



On 3 Dec 2008, at 05:27, Артём Попов wrote:

Ah,  it's like a responder on the SC side?
Could you post a more verbose example?

An example for a potentiometer (variable resistor) would look like:

// Arduino:
#include <SimpleMessageSystem.h>
int val1 = 0;

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); }
void loop()
  val1 = analogRead(0);
  messageSendInt(val1); // repeat for more sensor values

p = ArduinoSMS("/dev/ttyUSB0", 9600); // matches 9600 in setup() above
p.action = { |... msg|
//    msg.postln;
    ~a1 = msg[0] / 1024; (convert 0..1024 to 0..1)
    TempoClock.default.tempo = ~a1 * 2 + 1;

sc-users mailing list

Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino

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