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Re: [sc-users] HID out as midi
On Wednesday 03 December 2008 07:22:30 Cédric Dambrain wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to output a midi CC from a HID I use to control SC. I tried
> this code but don't get any value:
> (
> var range, outcc;
> range = [ 0, 127 ].asSpec;
> outcc = range.map({ a.slots[3].at( 49 ).bus });
> m = MIDIOut(0, MIDIClient.destinations[0].uid);
> m.control(0, 80, outcc);
> )
> Can anyone help?
You are confusing server side things (buses) with language side things.
You can add an action to your HID slot, to send out the MIDI value:
var range;
range = [ 0, 127 ].asSpec;
m = MIDIOut(0, MIDIClient.destinations[0].uid);
a.slots[3].at( 49 ).action_( { |slot| m.control(0, 80,
range.map(slot.value) ) } );
Then whenever HID data comes in, the value is mapped and sent out as MIDI.
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