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[sc-users] timing problems when a Task plays and plots

SC folks --

I'm attempting to sonify a data set while plotting it in a GUI window.

The methodology is:
o Use a Task to iterate through the set, mapping its values appropriately.
o Create an empty List; with each iteration, add the current data value to the List, then plot the List as an Array into a compositeView. (I couldn't find a way to add a point to a pre-existing view, thus I take the inelegant step of re-plotting the ever-growing List as an Array with each iteration.)

I find that after about 90 iterations, the timing slows down considerably, despite the wait time in the Task.

Is there a better way to do this that anyone knows of?

Here's a code example:


//dummy data set
a=Array.fill(500, {rrand(350, 500)});


SynthDef("sinetest", {arg freq=440, dur=0.3;
			o=PanAz.ar(2, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, 0.2));
			Out.ar(0, o*(EnvGen.kr(e, doneAction:2)));

w = GUI.window.new( "plot the dummy", Rect( 128, 64, 340, 400 ));
~playbutton=GUI.button.new(w, Rect(10, 23, 100, 50));
~playbutton.states=[ ["play", Color.blue, Color.new255(204,206,226) ] ];
~playbutton.action = { ~testTask.start(AppClock); };
~stopbutton=GUI.button.new(w, Rect(150, 24, 100, 50));
~stopbutton.states=[ ["stop/reset", Color.blue, Color.new255(204,206,226) ] ];
~stopbutton.action = { ~testTask.stop; };

~testTask = Task({
		a.size.do({ arg i;
s.sendMsg("/s_new", "sinetest", s.nextNodeID, 0, 0,
						"freq", f,
						"dur", ~timeIncrement);

TIA --


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