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Re: [sc-users] arduino

Hi to all,

well, I guess it could have been something dirty with ports yesterday, because now everything seems to work fine (Aaahhh! Big fun with just one led...)

p.action = { |... msg| msg.postln };

But what should this do?
I have nothing posted on post win, even if all the stuff seems to work

Thanks a lot




2008/12/2 Andrea Valle <valle@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Thanks Oswald

the SMS is included with the arduino IDE iirc, below examples
somewhere. so just open that and upload.

Yeah, I did it.
Then I guess that by evaluating the SC code in the Arduino Help I should be
able to flash the LED,  but, hmm, nothing happens.


i don't know about the
deprecation but that will most likely only have mid-term consequences.
bst, opt
Andrea Valle writes:

Hi to all,
and above all, ciao Stef!
I have my LED blinking on a Arduino Diecimila and I'm happy.
Now obviously I want to control it from SC.
1. SimpleMessageSystem seems to be deprecated on Arduino site. Uh?
2. I have followed the examples but nothing seems to happen during SC-
Arduino communcations (but no message at all, so I don't know)
Sorry, total newbie here, so maybe I'm missing something pretty basic...
Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino
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Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino
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Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino

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- La Repubblica detta le norme generali sull'istruzione ed istituisce scuole statali per tutti gli ordini e gradi.
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