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Re: [sc-users] map midi data

Thanks for the info James, works like a charm :-)


On 1 dec 2008, at 22:29, James Harkins wrote:

val.linlin(0, 127, 0.0, 4.0) for linear mapping

Or, for arbitrary ControlSpec mapping:

c = ControlSpec(0, 4, \lin);  // or whatever other mapping: \exp, a
curve number, etc.

CCResponder( { |src,chan,num,val| x.set(\pitch, c.map(val / 127)); },
nil, 0, 1, nil);

A ControlSpec always maps 0..1 onto the given range, so it's necessary
to divide the 0..127 value by 127 to get 0.0 .. 1.0.

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