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Re: [sc-users] [linux][quarks] VoicerMIDISocket problem

On Dec 1, 2008, at 12:22 AM, krgn wrote:

Nevertheless, I don't hear any sounds nor do I see Nodes being created/destroyed, just graveyard silence. There are no errors either. I made sure I had MIDI getting into the collider by using a quick NoteOnResponder and posting to the post-buffer, so that problem is ruled out. Any ideas? Or anyone else who has tips/tricks or advice on what might be going on?

Odd. Let's check for a uid mismatch.

MIDIPort.ports.keys; // should be a list of uids
MIDIClient.sources.collect(_.uid); // should be the same uids (order doesn't matter)

Also check these:

k.parent; // should be a MIDIChannel
k.parent.channel; // should display the device and channel number

k.parent.sockets; // should be [ a VoicerMIDISocket ]

MIDIPort.ports[MIDIPort.sources[0].uid]; // should be a MIDIPort
MIDIPort.ports[MIDIPort.sources[0].uid][0]; // should be a MIDIChannel
MIDIPort.ports[MIDIPort.sources[0].uid][0].channel;  // should display the device and channel number

Strange one, I'd like to track it down.

: H. James Harkins

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman