On 11/29/08, Scott Wilson <s.d.wilson.1@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 29 Nov 2008, at 13:51, blackrain wrote:
Yes, it sells upgrades. ;-)
and they do sound good too!!!!
Well you need a real a/b comparison for that to be meaningful.
art! isnt it all about that? =)
All I stated is how some SC UGens slip. Sorry they do.
So it's your fault? ;-)
ok, my turn to say...
You're the one who apologised. ;-)
lol touche.
Well, I don't think so. Many UGens already use doubles where that
helps. If there are some you think could benefit from this, make
a case.
I thought we both showcased a couple of them a few posts back in the
original thread.
Well propose a patch.
counting sample steps is always safer as I was saying my code does -
yet not always possible or the best way to go so maybe soon =)
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