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Re: 64 bit and precision? - was Re: [sc-users] DiskIn loop trig ?

Hello, mind if I chime in or is this a private party?

I don't think double precision really adds all that much CPU usage to be honest, even on a G4 PowerBook or similar, from my experience at least. Maybe the FFT stuff would benefit from double precision if it doesn't do so already.

I wonder sometimes if it would be worth buggering about with oversampling in some cases too. A while ago I was working on PlayBuf's interpolation algorithm but I didn't get it to a point where the CPU usage was acceptable. That is one area where big improvements could be made, I reckon.


On Nov 29, 2008, at 8:06 AM, blackrain wrote:

On 11/29/08, Scott Wilson <s.d.wilson.1@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 29 Nov 2008, at 13:51, blackrain wrote:

Yes, it sells upgrades. ;-)

and they do sound good too!!!!

Well you need a real a/b comparison for that to be meaningful.

art! isnt it all about that? =)

All I stated is how some SC UGens slip. Sorry they do.

So it's your fault? ;-)

ok, my turn to say...

You're the one who apologised. ;-)

lol touche.

Well, I don't think so. Many UGens already use doubles where that
helps. If there are some you think could benefit from this, make a case.


I thought we both showcased a couple of them a few posts back in the
original thread.

Well propose a patch.


counting sample steps is always safer as I was saying my code does -
yet not always possible or the best way to go so maybe soon =)



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