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Re: 64 bit and precision? - was Re: [sc-users] DiskIn loop trig ?
On 29 Nov 2008, at 13:16, blackrain wrote:
On 11/29/08, Scott Wilson <s.d.wilson.1@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I dont quite agree.
I do undestand the overhead issues.
I know the lang is not made to deal with this.
if floats being 64 bit in the lang is the case your question, yes I
am aware.
I believe ints are not? please correct me if I am wrong.
No, I don't understand 'not made to deal with this'.
I will clarify and say I do *not* want a 64 bit server - most ppl
including myself are not hardware ready and I guess we have some time
to go there.
Yet, I see api's all over using internal higher resolutions - both for
floats and ints.
Yes, it sells upgrades. ;-)
All I stated is how some SC UGens slip. Sorry they do.
So it's your fault? ;-)
perhaps the inclusion of an internal type (float64?) will aid the
yeah I know its tons of work.
Well, I don't think so. Many UGens already use doubles where that
actually helps. If there are some you think could benefit from this,
make a case.
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