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Re: 64 bit and precision? - was Re: [sc-users] DiskIn loop trig ?

I dont quite agree.
I do undestand the overhead issues.
I know the lang is not made to deal with this.


I can understand to a point how wider words wont render an 'instant'
change of perception to most ppl and can see why changes to sample
rate will hands down beat a fine grain resolution (again, an instant
appreciation); Yet, it is the sum of some blocks of calcs of these
words that makes things seem (sound? =) fluid or gainy.
smoother cycles, a bit less jumpy gens.

As you read:

IIRC the conclusion was that for the most part audible improvements were
only seen in cases with feedback, which makes sense.

You can find cases. The question is whether more overhead in all cases vs. improvement in some cases is worth it. I'm not trying to answer that just now.


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