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Re: [sc-users] drawOnRefresh?

Hi Thor,
here is a little example, which shows how to freeze a SCUserView:
That example makes me realise that there should be a clear method, to wipe
out everything drawn.
Note that clearOnRefresh_(false) works only with relativeOrigin_(true).

var win, userView2DrawFunc, drawingDone=false;
win = SCWindow.new.front;
SCUserView(win, (win.view.bounds.width*0.5-12)@win.view.bounds.height)
				Color.red(rrand(0.0, 1), rrand(0.0, 0.5)).set;
				Pen.addArc((400.exprand(2))@(100.rand), rrand(10, 100), 2pi.rand, pi);
				Pen.perform([\stroke, \fill].choose);

userView2DrawFunc = 
				Color.red(rrand(0.0, 1), rrand(0.0, 0.5)).set;
				Pen.addArc((400.exprand(2))@(100.rand), rrand(10, 100), 2pi.rand, pi);
				Pen.perform([\stroke, \fill].choose);
		drawingDone = true;

SCUserView(win, (win.view.bounds.width*0.5-12)@win.view.bounds.height)

~win = win;


On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:42:49 +0000, thor <th.list@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> i do it with some sort of flag inside the drawfunc.  say it's
>> flagged for clear, i then draw a rectangle filling the screen with
>> or without alpha.  works fine but maybe there are other ways too.
> Hmm. Not sure if I understand.
> I've got a SCUserView with a drawFunction. I only want it to draw
> when I tell it to.
> I then update the SCWindow and other Views constantly. When that
> happens, the
> SCUserView drawing disappears. (that is if I have a draw flag that
> says false unless
> I want it to draw) So it needs to draw on every window update using
> lots of CPU
> cycles for nothing.
> If there was a .drawOnRefresh_(false) that would just keep the
> drawing from the last
> window update without redrawing it, it would save processing.
> (but thinking about it, this might not be how things work, perhaps
> it's not possible
> to "leave" or "freeze" a view in the window and update everything
> else??)
> Maybe I'm just misunderstanding the workings of SCUserView drawing???
> thor
>> (
>> var func, views, counter= 0;
>> func = {
>> 	if(counter>0, {
>> 		//clear+fadeout - or in your case just don't draw anything
>> 		Pen.fillColor_(Color.grey(1, 0.07));
>> 		Pen.fillRect(Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height));
>> 	}, {
>> 		//draw only when counter= 0
>> 		Pen.use{
>> 			10.do{
>> 				Color.red(rrand(0.0, 1), rrand(0.0, 0.5)).set;
>> 				Pen.addArc((400.exprand(2))@(100.rand), rrand(10, 100),
>> 2pi.rand, pi);
>> 				Pen.perform([\stroke, \fill].choose);
>> 			}
>> 		}
>> 	})
>> };
>> w = SCWindow.new("DrawFunc Examples").front;
>> w.view.background_(Color.white);
>> views = {|i|
>> 	v = SCUserView(w, Rect(20+(i*120), 100, 100, 100)).relativeOrigin_
>> (true);
>> 	v.drawFunc = func;
>> 	v.clearOnRefresh_(false)
>> } ! 3;
>> Routine({
>> 	inf.do{
>> 		w.refresh;
>> 		0.1.wait;
>> 		counter= counter-1%20;
>> 	}
>> }).play(AppClock);
>> )
>> Am 17.12.2007 um 17:57 schrieb thor:
>>> Hi
>>> Is it possible to add .drawOnRefresh_ to SCUserView?
>>> I'd like to draw once and then disable SCUserView's draw
>>> functionality
>>> until I tell it to draw again. (other views are being updated
>>> which forces
>>> SCUserView to draw repeatedly).
>>> The following code from the example works, but it's kind of ugly
>>> to have to
>>> repeatedly set the drawFunc to nil and then back to the intended
>>> drawFunc
>>> when needed.
>>> And I'm not sure if clearOnRefresh saves any CPU...
>>> t
>>> prevent redrawing:
>>> (
>>> var func, views;
>>> func = {|me|
>>> 	Pen.use{
>>> 		10.do{
>>> 			Color.red(rrand(0.0, 1), rrand(0.0, 0.5)).set;
>>> 			Pen.addArc((400.exprand(2))@(100.rand), rrand(10, 100),
>>> 2pi.rand, pi);
>>> 			Pen.perform([\stroke, \fill].choose);
>>> 		}
>>> 	}
>>> };
>>> w = SCWindow.new("DrawFunc Examples").front;
>>> w.view.background_(Color.white);
>>> views = {|i|
>>> 	v = SCUserView(w, Rect(20+(i*120), 100, 100, 100)).relativeOrigin_
>>> (true);
>>> 	v.drawFunc = func;
>>> } ! 3;
>>> w.refresh;
>>> {views.do{|v| v.clearOnRefresh_(false);v.drawFunc = nil}}.defer(0.4);
>>> )
>>   #|
>>      fredrikolofsson.com     klippav.org     musicalfieldsforever.com
>>   |#
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