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Re: [sc-users] mildly silly question

open SuperCollider.app/Contents/Info.plist (opens with "Property List Editor"). Locate the entry CFBundleName and change the value as you wish.

ciao, -sciss-

Am 17.12.2007 um 22:18 schrieb nonprivate:

hi all,
i have a mildly silly question, os x related:
i have several supercollider folders with slightly different setups in each one, sometimes i run 2 installations at once, anyway i worked out where the icon is, buried in the package contents, so i can draw each one a new icon, but how do i change the name of the application so that it says something other than "supercollider" in the menu bar when running? do i have to learn how to compile the code? cheers!
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