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[sc-users] synth instantiation problem
hi all,
i'm trying to instantiate the following class:
UniqueId {
classvar id_;
*get {
var ret;
if (id_ == nil,
{ id_ = 0 });
ret = id_;
id_ = ret + 1;
Bug {
var sd_;
*new {|server|
init {|server|
sd_ = SynthDef(("def" ++ UniqueId.get).asSymbol, {
Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar([220, 220.3], 0.1))}
Synth.tail(server, sd_.name);
like this:
b = Bug.new(s)
i can't create the synth, though ... the terminal output is:
booting 57110
jack_set_sample_rate_callback: deprecated
Using vector unit: yes
JackDriver: client name is 'SuperCollider'
JackDriver: connected alsa_pcm:capture_1 to SuperCollider:in_1
JackDriver: connected alsa_pcm:capture_2 to SuperCollider:in_2
JackDriver: connected SuperCollider:out_1 to alsa_pcm:playback_1
JackDriver: connected SuperCollider:out_2 to alsa_pcm:playback_2
SuperCollider 3 server ready..
JackDriver: max output latency 23.2 ms
Zeroconf: registered service 'SuperCollider'
a Bug
*** ERROR: SynthDef def0 not found
FAILURE /s_new SynthDef not found
notification is on
any idea, what i am doing wrong?
thnx, tim
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