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Re: [sc-users] SuperCollider Volume Control?

i see at least three mistakes:

	sendDef {
		amp = Synth.basicNew(\amp, server );  // ! server
		SynthDef(\amp, { arg inbus, amp = 1;
			ReplaceOut.ar( inbus, In.ar(inbus, 2) * amp );
}).send(server, amp.newMsg( 0, [ \amp, volume ], \addToTail) ; // ! completionMsg because /d_recv is asynchronous ; ! initial volume

in initVolume you could do

server = aServer ?? { Server.default };

ciao, -sciss-

Am 12.12.2007 um 00:34 schrieb Andrea Valle:


I was going to write exactly a little utility class with the proposed mechanism, so I used yours (thanks!). Now, I have to pass the constructor a server, I was thinking I could refer to Server.default inside the class (i.e. without passing a server), but doesn't work in this way.
What am I missing?



// Utility class for a simple general volume
// andrea after Josh

// a sound

v = Volume.new(s) ;
v.gui ;
v.volume_(0.5) ;
v.volume ;


Volume {

	var server, amp, <>window,  <volume ;
	var slider, box ;

	*new {  arg server ;
		^super.new.initVolume(server) ;

	initVolume { arg aServer ;
		server = aServer ;
		if ( server.serverRunning.not, { server.boot }) ;
		//server = Server.default.boot ;
			this.sendDef ;
			}) ;
		volume = 1 ;

	sendDef {
		SynthDef(\amp, { arg inbus, amp = 1;
			ReplaceOut.ar( inbus, In.ar(inbus, 2) * amp );
		amp = Synth(\amp, target: 0, addAction: \addToTail) ;
	// cleaner with MVC
	volume_ { arg aVolume ;
		volume = aVolume ;
		amp.set([\amp, volume]) ;
		box.value_(aVolume) ;
		slider.value_(aVolume) ;
	gui {
		window = GUI.window.new("Volume", Rect(100, 100, 60, 320)).front;
		box = GUI.numberBox.new(window, Rect(10, 10, 60, 30))
			.value_(volume) ;
		slider = GUI.slider.new(window, Rect(10, 40, 60, 280))
			.value_(volume) ;
		slider.action_({ arg item ;
			volume =  item.value ;
			amp.set([\amp, volume]) ;
			box.value_(volume) ;
		 }) ;
		box.action_({ arg item ;
			volume = item.value ;
			amp.set([\amp, volume]) ;
		 }) ;


Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino
--> http://www.cirma.unito.it/andrea/
--> andrea.valle@xxxxxxxx

I did this interview where I just mentioned that I read Foucault. Who doesn't in university, right? I was in this strip club giving this guy a lap dance and all he wanted to do was to discuss Foucault with me. Well, I can stand naked and do my little dance, or I can discuss Foucault, but not at the same time; too much information.
(Annabel Chong)

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