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Re: [sc-users] new list member - with a ribbon controller
Hi Till,
On 25 Oct 2007, at 11:37, Till Bovermann wrote:
... and supposed you have too much money (> 5k $), this
might be a better option for analog pitchbending... :-)
Yeah, it is on my to-buy-when-winning-on-lottery list (despite I am
not playing lottery) :-) I would be even satisfied with the smaller
Anyway, thanx for sharing your experiences on that ribbon
controller, I stumbled over it more then one time in the net and
seriously considered buying it...
Today I tried to measure the jumping pitch problem with a voltage
meter in a different, more isolated location and I could not
reproduce it. Maybe it is coming from an other unit (like a grounding
issue). I will have to make more tests with my setup to locate the
source. If the R2M has pitch jumps (in MIDI or CV), I will have to
return it.
I did not 'cause it is not that inexpensive as it should be for a
"ok, let's just buy it and then test it for performance... " :-)
I was in the same state :-) I am sure it is very good as a
controller, but I still have some concerns to use it as a musical
instrument, though it should be easier to play than a theremin, which
I was considering first (but a good one is even more expensive). This
code from James (with some very minor modification and without the
cleaning up part) seems to work and feels quite responsive.
MIDIClient.init(2, 2);
MIDIClient.sources.do({ |src, i| MIDIIn.connect(i, src) });
SynthDef(\sine, { |freq, amp|
Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, amp) ! 2);
~fbus = Bus.control(s, 1).set(440);
~ampbus = Bus.control(s, 1).set(0);
~fspec = ControlSpec(48.midicps, 84.midicps, \exp);
~ampspec = ControlSpec(0, 1, \amp);
// ~noteR = NoteOnResponder({ |src, chan, A, B| ~ampbus.set(0.3) });
~bendR = BendResponder({ |src, chan, value| ~fbus.set(~fspec.map
(value / 16383).postln) });
~touchR = TouchResponder({ |src, chan, value| ~ampbus.set(~ampspec.map
(value / 127).postln) });
~synth = Synth(\sine, [\freq, ~fbus.asMap, \amp, ~ampbus.asMap]);
I will try to improve the pressure-amp relation, add pitch dependence
to the amp control. Later add some NoteOn triggered ADRS, tailor the
sound, add pressure and frequency dependence to the colour + some
effects, yet later some MIDI control. I will report and most probably
will have questions as I learn SC :-)
If the R2M is physically OK and as things stand, it seems I will not
have to buy analogue hardware synth modules (VCO, VCA) :-)