Hi, all We do SC code remix (modify) contest at Japanese-wiki. You can modify following code in anyway (except using non-SC software). The first-prize winner will receive special SC socks with your name !!! # you may read a few entry at : (Even you cannot read Japanese, you may read SC codes ; ) Have a FUN !!!! ( var melody, bass, chord; bass = Pbind( \dur, Pseq([3.0],inf), \midinote, Pseq([67,62] - 12, inf) ); chord = Pbind( \amp, 0.05, \dur, Pseq([1.0,2.0],inf), \midinote, Pseq([\,[59,62,66],\, [57,61,66]] , inf) ); melody = Pbind( \dur, Pseq([ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1 ,1, 3, 12],inf), \midinote, Pseq([\,66,69,67,66,61,59,61,62,57,54] + 12, inf) ); Ptpar([0,bass, 0,chord, 0,melody]).play ) |