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Re: [sc-users] live sc set

cool, it's becoming more and more deliberate for me to do things half way between melody and cacophony, and that plays to the strengths of digital synthesis of course. playing live with sc is a technical nightmare! for me anyway... it depends what the patch is i suppose.
i really like having power over what tools i'm using though.

James Harkins wrote:
Excellent! Thanks for sharing it. I loaded it into my ipod and
listened to the first bit on my way to work today. I like how it slips
in and out of recognizable tonality :)

sc is a hoot to play live, no?


On 12/18/06, nonprivate <nonprivate@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
hi all,
i played a 100% supercollider live set recently, so i made a page with
the mp3 link, some technical info, pics, and links to some video clips.
it's here: http://www.durftal.com/music/cylob/bf/