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Re: [sc-users] physical modeling

try compiling the StkFlute2.cpp version
this has arguments

unit->flute->controlChange(2, unit->jetdelay = IN0(1));// jet delay
unit->flute->controlChange(4, unit->noisegain = IN0(2));// noisegain
unit->flute->controlChange(11, unit->vibfreq = IN0(3));// vibrato freq
unit->flute->controlChange(1, unit->vibgain = IN0(4));// vibrato gain
unit->flute->controlChange(128, unit->breathpressure = IN0(5)); // breathpressure

I think if you tinker with the breathpressure and vibfreq and gain you can get rid of the pulsing.
Notice that there are 3 different flutes in the package of code.  One of them unpacks most of
the STK methods.  


On Dec 24, 2005, at 5:35 PM, tom tlalim wrote:

actually, i'm getting strange behavior too. 
i could only get percussive sounds from it.

paul how does this code sound on your machine?
{StkFlute.ar(freq:440.0, jetDelay:40, noisegain:10, jetRatio:1.0, mul:1.0, add:0.0) }.play

the StkFlute.cpp file was the only one that did not compile properly (log reported multiple definitions of 'class Delay'), so i'd replaced it with StkFlute2.cpp which was the most recent flute file and complied without problems. 
i'm not sure if it's correct though...

b.t.w not sure if this is true but i think i noticed some different arguments in the cpp code than the ones used in the Class definition in sc. something like (freq,jetDelay, noisegain, vibfreq, vibgain, breathpressure)


On 24 Dec 2005, at 22:39, Paul Lansky wrote:

try changing the parameters.  Sometimes the flute model needs tweaking to
get sound.


On Dec 24, 2005, at 2:47 PM, sc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hmmm.... this still produces no sound on my machine:
{StkFlute.ar(mul:0.2) }.play;

All the others work as they always have.  Any ideas?

yes, it works too.


On 23 Dec 2005, at 22:40, sc at stillmovement.org wrote:

> Can you confirm if the flute works?  I had trouble with this in the
> past and my own porting efforts from Csound were less than perfect.
> Thanks.
>> yes! now everything workz!
>> paul, i put your distro plus the tiger-compiled scx files here:
>> i can leave them there for a while if they are helpful for anyone...
>> thanks,
>> tom
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