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Re: [sc-users] OSC Pattern Scheduling
James Harkins <jamshark70@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Use TempoClock. Don't use SystemClock.
I was under the impression that I was using TempoClock as I wrote
").play(TempoClock.default, [1, -0.25]);". I understand now that once
you use TempoClock, wait is in beats.
> So you write the .waits in terms of beats and change the tempo on
> the clock.
I can't see how this works, sorry. If I enter a routine with [1,
-0.25], the routine starts 25% before the actual beat (250ms before
the beat if bpm=60). If I then insert a wait in here, how could I get
back on track?. I would have to do a lot of calculations for every
event that I insert.
I really don't want to change the tempo of the clock. I need to give a
percentage offset to each individual event.
I'm clueless, but do you mean like:
Tempo.bpm = 90;
r = Routine({
10.do {
}).play(TempoClock.default, [1, -0.25]);
..advancing forward beat for beat. With this approach it would be very
difficult once it gets bigger to know where you are.
> It's the simplest and most direct way.
Can you provide an example with 3 events?
event 1: 10% before beat 1
event 2: exactly on beat 1
event 3: 20% after beat 2
> If you use TempoClock, you can give the wait times in beats.
If I understand it correctly I would have to do lots of calculations
instead of explicitly saying this event occurs 25% before the third
beat (like with the quant argument to the routine).
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