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[sc-users] fun with new buffer methods
Here's something very useful you can do with Scott's new buffer stuff. This one retrieves and plots the contents of a wavetable buffer. If you want to plot (part of) a soundfile buffer, or an audio buffer recorded on the server side, you can leave out the .select call.
~sb = Buffer.alloc(s, 4096, 1);
~sb.cheby([1, 0, 1]);
~sb.sine1([0.5], normalize:false, clearFirst:false);
~sb.getToFloatArray(action: { |a| { a.select({ |y, i| i.even }).plot }.defer })
Thanks Scott!
H. James Harkins /// dewdrop_world
"If attacked by a lion, thrust your arm down his throat.
This takes some practice." -- Cyril Connolly