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Re: Nil-remove Re: [sc-users] bug related to recent Buffer changes

On Friday, Dec 31, 2004, at 13:09 US/Eastern, sdwilson@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I have to remember to pull out crucial and JIT when testing things.

Couple of remarks on this:

1. Has anyone rigorously tested the crucial library under Linux? I'm not in a position to do so, but I expect that only the GUI classes would break. I can't see any reason why the patching system would not work under Linux. That would, of course, have retained Nil-remove.

2. I still wonder why crucial and JITlib are even in the main library. I vaguely remember asking about this once before, and I don't recall getting a good answer.

It seems pretty clear that extensions to SuperCollider's core functionality are generally to be add-ons. It's not clear exactly what these two extension libraries are, however. They're extensions, because they can be thrown out wholesale on other platforms, but they also implement some things that could be regarded as core features (which Mac users might depend on, as here, without thinking about it).

In my own programming, I use parts of both libraries so it doesn't particularly bother me that they're there. Things like this, though, make me think some decisions need to be made. If they are indispensable, they should be reviewed and better integrated into the rest of the library. If they're extensions, maybe they should be treated as such and moved to a different source.

On that last point, the presence of these libraries in the main distribution weakens the argument that SuperCollider is supposed to provide a certain streamlined base functionality.


H. James Harkins /// dewdrop_world

"If attacked by a lion, thrust your arm down his throat.
This takes some practice."  -- Cyril Connolly