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Re: [sc-users] Chaos ugens

They are here and they are not.
I'm not familiar with Xcode etc. at all but usually I can manage to get anonymous CVS updates und compile them via command line, then use a modified distro-script. Now I see ChaosUGens.cpp in source/plugins/ but there is nowhere a corresponding scx-file, I think.

SC says:
exception in GrafDef_Load: UGen 'LorenzL' not installed.
The same with the others.

Am 31.12.2004 um 10:51 schrieb James McCartney:

Lance Putnam's chaos ugens are added.
No docs though...

{ QuadC.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000,1)) * 0.8 }.scope(1)
{ CuspL.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000,1)) * 0.8 }.scope(1)
{ GbmanL.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000,1)) * 0.1 }.scope(1)
{ GbmanL.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000,1)) * 0.8 }.scope(1)
{ HenonC.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000,1)) * 0.8 }.scope(1)
{ LatoocarfianC.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000,1)) * 0.8 }.scope(1)
{ LinCongC.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000,1)) * 0.8 }.scope(1)
{ StandardL.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000,1)) * 0.8 }.scope(1)
{ FBSineC.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000,1)) * 0.8 }.scope(1)
{ LorenzL.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000,1)) * 0.8 }.scope(1)