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Re: [sc-users] wacom

The other possibility is SC2DTabletSlider, which behaves pretty much like SCTabletView, but the coordinates are always in [0..1] (when inside the sliderView).

Both have helpfiles... and work pretty need

Differenciating between different pens could be done by evaluating the deviceID:

// changed, but mainly from SCTabletView Helpfile:
w = SCWindow.new;
t = SCTabletView(w,Rect(40,40,300,300));
t.background = Color.white;

t.mouseDownAction = { arg view,x,y,pressure,tiltx,tilty,deviceID, buttonNumber,clickCount,absoluteZ,rotation; /* ["down",x,y,pressure,tiltx,tilty,deviceID, buttonNumber,clickCount,absoluteZ,rotation].postln;
	("Hey this is pen number" + deviceID.asString).postln;

t.action = { arg view,x,y,pressure,tiltx,tilty,deviceID, buttonNumber,clickCount,absoluteZ,rotation; ["dragging", x,y,pressure,tiltx,tilty,deviceID, buttonNumber,clickCount,absoluteZ,rotation].postln;
	t.background = Color(x / 300,y / 300,tiltx,pressure);

t.mouseUpAction = { arg view,x,y,pressure,tiltx,tilty,deviceID, buttonNumber,clickCount,absoluteZ,rotation; ["up",x,y,pressure,tiltx,tilty,deviceID, buttonNumber,clickCount,absoluteZ,rotation].postln;


Differenciating between pen and eraser does'nt work at me (only using a graphire tablet... don't buy this one, only position and pressure are recognized by it...)

hope that helps


On 27 Dec 2004, at 03:06, pete moss wrote:

anyone have any good examples using the wacom tablet interface? i have recently been using a tablet, but the help files dont really explain how to do some things, like tell the difference between tip and eraser, pen button clicks, or tracking multiple pens. also, is there another way to track the wacom data than SCTabletView?

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