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Re: [sc-users] VOsc phase mod problem

Graph with edges and straight segments: VOsc, buzzing. (OSC okay)

JPEG image

VOsc's phase is not modulateable the same way as Osc's.
Is this a "natural" limitation or a bug?

s.sendBundle(nil, [
	"/b_alloc", 111, 1024, 1, ["/b_gen", 111, "sine1", 7, 1]
	], [
	"/b_alloc", 112, 1024, 1, ["/b_gen", 112, "sine1", 7, 1, 0.5]

{ Osc.ar(111, 220, SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(0, 220), 0, 20), 0.3) }.play;

{ VOsc.ar(111, 220, SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(0, 220), 0, 20), 0.3) }.play;