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Re: [sc-users] more on synthdef variants

There is a problem which needs to be fixed that variants are not put into the SynthDescLib. So it uses the defaultMsgFunc which only has freq, amp, pan, out. Thus legato is not sent.

On Dec 25, 2004, at 9:48 PM, newton armstrong wrote:

one other thing that seems kind of weird:

x = SynthDef("vartest", {
	|dur=1, freq=200, legato=0.8|
	var envgen;
	envgen = EnvGen.kr(Env.linen(0, 1, 0), 1, 0.1, 0, dur * legato, 2);
	Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(freq) * envgen);
}).variants = (alpha: [\freq, 400]);

Pbind(\instrument, "vartest", \legato, 0.1).play; // legato works

Pbind(\instrument, "vartest.alpha", \legato, 0.1).play; // legato doesn't work