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Re: [sc-users] more on synthdef variants

On Dec 25, 2004, at 11:04 PM, James McCartney wrote:

variants only define default settings. if you set them then that always overrides.

yeah, i understand that much. sorry i haven't had explained this very clearly. in this situation:

x = SynthDef("varianttest", { |freq=200, gate=1|
	Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, Linen.kr(gate, 0, 1, 0, doneAction: 2)));
}).variants = (alpha: #[\freq, 400]);

Pbind(\instrument, "varianttest.alpha").play

the \freq in the default parent event overrides the \freq in the synthdef variant. that doesn't seem intuitive. of course you could get around it by supplying a protoEvent:

Pbind(\proto, (freq: 400), \instrument, "varianttest.alpha").play

but that defeats the purpose of using the variant. (and the purpose of using the variant is not just to save on typing -- this is a simplified example from a more complex little project that requires the use of variants).

i dunno. perhaps the protoEvent could be made from the corresponding SynthDesc?