On Dec 25, 2004, at 7:38 PM, newton armstrong wrote:
excuse me, should have been more clear. the Node not found message is because the synthdef didn't have a gate argument. but this is still playing the wrong note...:( x = SynthDef("varianttest", { |freq=200, gate=1| Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, Linen.kr(gate, 0, 1, 0, doneAction: 2))); }).variants = (alpha: #[\freq, 400]); x.store; ) Pbind(\instrument, "varianttest.alpha").play;
just to continue the conversation with myself: it seems the pitchEvent settings in the default Event are taking precedence over the 'freq' argument supplied in the synthdef's variants. i guess the way to work around this is to create a dedicated parent Event.