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[sc-users] commit: ObjectSpec
A very small class that allows any object to be specified as a default for an Instr argument. (Discussed with felix off list.)
This example from the helpfile is reminiscent of CHANT. The user is able to override the default exciter using a Patch argument.
// define the Instr
\analog, \voxlet], { |freq, gate, exciterFunc, detune, formfreq, ffreq, env, formfreqenv, attacktime, decaytime, vsens, fenvsens, formHarmRatios, formHarmAmps|
var amp, sig;
formfreq = formfreq * ((EnvGen.kr(formfreqenv, gate) * fenvsens) + 1);
amp = (Latch.kr(gate, gate)-1) * vsens + 1;
sig = exciterFunc.value(freq, detune); // this func is user supplied
sig = Formlet.ar(sig,
formHarmRatios.notNil.if({ formfreq * formHarmRatios }, { formfreq }),
attacktime, decaytime, mul: formHarmAmps ?? { 1 });
// formlet is a bit volatile, so limit its amplitude
(Mix.ar(sig), ffreq), 0.9, 0.06)
* EnvGen.kr(env, gate, doneAction:2)) ! 2
}, [
// default func is an audio-rate impulse to provide the base frequency
// override this with a func for a different exciter
// your func may have a frequency and detune argument
// it should output 1 channel only
ObjectSpec({ |fr| Impulse.ar(fr) }),
#[20, 20000, \exp, 0, 1200],
Env.adsr(0.07, 0.2, 0.8, 0.11)),
Env(#[0, 0], [1])),
#[0.0001, 1, \exp, 0, 0.01],
#[0.0001, 1, \exp, 0, 0.1],
nil), // arrays by default are nil -- ugenfunc fills in the true default here
// use the default exciter
p = \analog, \voxlet], [Patch({ MouseX.kr(20, 20000, 1, 0.1) }), 0.5, nil, nil, Patch({ MouseY.kr(20, 20000, 1, 0.1) }), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1, 0]);
// move the mouse to control base freq and formant freq
// watch the volume--amplitude can spike at times in this patch
// when done:
// free the patch ("free" button) and try this to change the exciter
p = \analog, \voxlet], [Patch({ MouseX.kr(20, 20000, 1, 0.1) }), 0.25, { |fr, detune| Saw.ar([fr, fr*detune])) }, nil, Patch({ MouseY.kr(20, 20000, 1, 0.1) }), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1, 0]);
// now let's add some additiveness to the filters
p = \analog, \voxlet], [Patch({ MouseX.kr(20, 20000, 1, 0.1) }), 0.25, { |fr, detune| Saw.ar([fr, fr*detune])) }, nil, Patch({ MouseY.kr(20, 20000, 1, 0.1) }), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1, 0, (1..6), (1..6).reciprocal]);
H. James Harkins /// dewdrop_world
"If attacked by a lion, thrust your arm down his throat.
This takes some practice." -- Cyril Connolly