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Re: [sc-users] helpfiles


I would appreciate to have it in my fingers (in distro or not) thank you AdC...

It was only a hint, because changing the vars (numBins, etc) causes an error...


On 22 Dec 2004, at 12:19, Alberto de Campo wrote:

Till wrote:


I have corrections ;-)

the histogram example should be something like
to allow arbitrary numbers of bins and to disallow the ability to take another minValue than the maxValue.neg... (which doesn't makes sense). the arbitrary number of bins may also be added to the other histogram examples...

i tried to keep the examples as simple as possible; of course a general
histogram/plot utility should scale to any number of bins.

I have written this and some other statistics utilities as methods:
sumFloat, geoMean, harmMean, variance, stdDev, skew, zTable, corr(elation).
Let me know if you need them.

Q: is histo (and the rest?) generally useful enough to put in
the main distribution?

+Collection {

	histo { arg min=0, max=1, steps=100;
		var freqs, freqIndex, lastIndex, range, outliers = 0;

		freqs = Array.fill(steps, 0);
		lastIndex = steps - 1;
		range = max - min;
		this.do({ arg el;
			freqIndex = ((el - min) / range * steps).round(1).asInteger;
			if (freqIndex.inclusivelyBetween(0, lastIndex), {
				freqs[freqIndex] = freqs[freqIndex] + 1;
			}, {  outliers =  outliers + 1 });

		if (outliers > 0, {
			inform("histo:" + outliers + "out of histo range values.");


a = Array.rand(200, 0.0, 100.0);
b = a.histo(0, 100, 50);


Alberto de Campo
Bergstrasse 59/33
A-8020 Graz, Austria
e-mail : decampo@xxxxxx
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