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Re: [sc-users] weird special SC3 newby issues (n_set, freq)


SynthDef("zzz", {|freq = 440| Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, 0.3)) }).send(s);

s.sendMsg(\s_new, \zzz, 1234, 0, 0, \freq, 440);

s.sendMsg(\n_trace, 1234);

s.sendMsg(\n_set, 1234, \freq, 880);

s.sendMsg(\n_free, 1234);


On Dec 20, 2004, at 3:23 AM, Brian Rushing wrote:

for the life of me i can't figure out why this won't work.  n_set gets
accepted by the synth server, (responds "a server") but does not
appear to affect the sine synth node in any way.  i know i'm using the
right node value because n_free kills the sound just fine.

incidentally, i also found that the duration argument of the "play"
message doesn't seem to work, and the synth will blare until i kill
its node or hit cmd-.

i don't think there's anything particularly special about my pizmo
architecture. maybe i'm just "special".
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