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Re: [sc-users] sync osc
On 17 Dec 2004, at 07:31, James McCartney wrote:
On Dec 16, 2004, at 6:15 PM, nonprivate wrote:
i was thinking, what if phase distortion could be applied to the waveform of a sample, and what would this sound like? how complex would it be to implement?
Well unlike a single cycle wavetable oscillator, a waveform doesn't have a specific frequency, so it is unclear what phase modulation really means. One interpretation would be to Hilbert transform the signal and then do linear combinations of the orthogonal components. A more simple minded interpretation would be to simply modulate the playback rate at audio rate.
here's an object i wrote in the beginning of 2004 with the help of Peter Pabon.
it does what you describem and outputs
[ freq, amp, phase ]
so you can do this
a = GetFreq.ar(AudioIn.ar); // analysis
b = SinOsc.ar(a[0]) * a[1]; // freq resynthesis
a = GetFreq06.ar(AudioIn.ar); // analysis
b = SinOsc.ar( 0, a[2] ) * a[1]; // phase resynthesis
and to do phase modulation:
a = GetFreq.ar(AudioIn.ar); // analysis
b = SinOsc.ar(a[0], SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(0.001, 30, 1), 0, 2pi, 2pi)) * a[1]; // freq resynthesis
a = GetFreq06.ar(AudioIn.ar); // analysis
b = SinOsc.ar(0, a[2] + SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(0.001, 30, 1), 0, 2pi, 2pi).abs) * a[1]; // phase resynthesis
phase modulation can be done here...
but actually, if i understand correctly, phase disortion happens when different
frequency components travel in different speeds as the result of speaker imperfections
so maybe these are more straight forward
a = Pan2.ar(AudioIn.ar(1));
b = HPF.ar(a, 3000);
c = LPF.ar(a, 3000);
b+DelayL.ar(c, 0.02, MouseX.kr(0.0, 0.02))
a = Pan2.ar(AudioIn.ar(1));
b = HPF.ar(a, 3000);
c = LPF.ar(a, 3000);
b+DelayL.ar(c, 0.02, SinOsc.kr(MouseX.kr(0.001, 100, 1), 0, 0.009, 0.011))
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