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Re: [sc-users] [Announce] sc.dot
Hello Rohan Drape,
I just tried, and it seems that sc.dot works correctly. What I
configured is like this:
1) download a GraphViz package from http://www.pixelglow.com/graphviz/
2) expand the package and copy the GraphViz.app to /Applications/
3) associate '.dot' to GraphViz.app in Finder
4) download 'sw-41.tar.bz2' and expand it
5) copy 'sw-41/sc/' to 'SuperCollider_f/SCClassLibrary/dot/'
6) copy 'sw-41/help/' to 'SuperCollider_f/SCClassLibrary/help/'
Is there more better configuration to use sc.dot? Anyway, thank you
very much for your great visualization tool.
On 15 Dec 2004 01:02:36 +1100, Rohan Drape wrote:
> sc.dot writes SuperCollider UGen graphs in the dot graph description
> language. There are automated dot layout engines available for Linux
> and OSX.
> This is the initial release of sc.dot. It has many fixes over the
> implementation posted to the sc-users list some months ago.
> A source archive and documentation are available at:
> <http://www.alphalink.com.au/~rd/>
> Regards,
> Rohan
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