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Re: [sc-users] detect / detectIndex

--- James McCartney <asynth@xxxxxx> wrote:
> On May 3, 2004, at 12:26 PM, James Harkins wrote:
> > read, but hey, I can't use it because it "has
> never
> > been needed in Lisp or Smalltalk."
> >
> What about stopping at a certain index? What about
> skipping every other 
> one. What about going backwards? Do you want to add
> all of these as 
> well?

This is a better counterargument, but of course it
isn't the one you started with.

"It isn't needed" -- well, *I* need it, so that
argument doesn't carry much weight with me.

"If it's added, where do you draw the line?" -- I can
at least respect that.

The best argument I can offer is that starting at a
certain index is a relatively low impact change
compared to any of the Swiftian alternatives you
proposed. :)

But even that would break the simple elegance of
this.do({ }) so I would understand if the argument
isn't convincing for you.

____   James Harkins /// dewdrop world
\  /   jamshark70@xxxxxxxxx
 \/    http://www.duke.edu/~jharkins

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