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Re: [sc-users] LowShelf/HighShelf

Oh yeah.... I already did it in my library. Should have said earlier.

They do the coefficient calculation on the client side for speed. Not good for modulating the parms but good for "set and forget" eq.

On Sunday, May 2, 2004, at 19:34 US/Eastern, crucial felix wrote:

see these :

// Regalia-Mitra type filters
// coded by jl anderson - 13 mar 2002


RMShelf {

	*ar {
		arg in,			// input signal
			freq = 440.0,	// the corner freq
			k = 1.0;		// RM k factor

		var allpass;
		allpass = Allpass1.ar(in, freq, k.sign);

		^( 0.5 * (in + allpass + (k.abs * (in - allpass))))

I did try and do SOS coefficients a long time ago but I could never figure out how to get from the 6 coefs in my texts to the 5 that we use.

On May 2, 2004, at 1:09 PM, newton armstrong wrote:

i've been making some synthdefs for equalisation. MidEQ is great, but it seems the LowShelf and HighShelf UGens are not finished yet. i figure both of these could be implemented using FOS but i'm not sure how to translate from a front-end like this: Synth("LowShelf", [\cfreq, cfreq, \db, db]) to FOS coefficients. has anybody done something like this already?

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H. James Harkins /// dewdrop_world

"If attacked by a lion, thrust your arm down his throat.
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