the sclang port is hardcoded in the c++ sources, to 57120.thats what I thought too. Then yesterday I was trying some operations with flosc, and at some point the lang was on 57122. Could it be, that it defaults to 57120 and is assigned to higher port numbers in special situations, like when the port is already occupied?
well it tries to get that or at least: in SCVirtualMachine-start: SetupHomeDirectory(); pyr_init_mem_pools( 2*1024*1024, 256*1024 ); initPostBuffer(); init_OSC(57120); schedInit(); compileLibrary(); and in cmdLineFunc: int main() { pyr_init_mem_pools(2*1024*1024, 256*1024); init_OSC(57120); schedInit(); compileLibrary(); runLibrary(s_run); fflush(postfile);return 0;
} initOSC being defined as: void init_OSC(int port) { postfl("init_OSC\n"); try { gUDPport = new SC_UdpInPort(port); } catch (...) { postfl("No networking."); } } so if it does not get that port, it should print "No networking", I guess. But maybe the system does something on its own.. -- .