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Re: [sc-users] HJH Library MixerChannel Sends?
Sorry I had to do this the long way with explicit SynthDefs... someone broke the way I handle playing Functions in MixerChannels. Will have to fix it in the next update of my library (not tonight I'm afraid).
\saw, { |freq = 440, outbus = 0|
Out.ar(outbus, Saw.ar([freq, freq*1.01])))
\rlpf, { |ffreq = 2000, rq = 0.5, outbus = 0|
var sig;
sig = In.ar(outbus, 2);
ReplaceOut.ar(outbus, RLPF.ar(sig, ffreq, rq));
m = "source", s, 1, 2, postSendReady:true, level:-15.dbamp);
n = "fx", s, 2, 2);
MixerPostSend(m, n, 0);
"postsend", nil, m, n);
m.play("saw", [\freq, 440]); // hear the saw
n.play("rlpf"); // hear nothing new
// now adjust the post-fader send level on the mixingboard gui
// you should hear the resonance around 2000Hz
On Saturday, May 1, 2004, at 18:45 US/Eastern, Tom Gersic wrote:
Hi All,
Could someone explain to me how to set up HJH mixer channels so that I can, say, have one Synthdef playing, oh, a Sawtooth wave, and another synthdef that is a lowpass filter that I can choose to send the Sawtooth wave Synthdef to, or not...I can't seem to figure this out from the documentation...
H. James Harkins /// dewdrop_world
"If attacked by a lion, thrust your arm down his throat.
This takes some practice." -- Cyril Connolly