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[sc-users] revised Karplus Strong UGEN
Here is a revised and extended Karplus Strong Ugen
(incorporating James' suggestions).
there are two Ugens.
Pluck(freq,decay,mul,add)//generates its own noise burst
PluckIn(input,freq,decay,mul,add)//uses an input noise burst
{Pluck.ar(freq: [400,403],decay: 0.99) *
EnvGen.ar(Env.new([1,1],[1]),doneAction:2 )}.play;
var in, dur=0.005;
in = WhiteNoise.ar(Trig.kr(Impulse.kr(1), dur));
PluckIn.ar(in, 440, 0.99);
If you just put in continuous noise it's equivalent
to a lowpass/allpass-tuned comb filter (and kind of ugly).
The magic is in the ringdown with the lowpass filter.
Here's a summer project for someone: implement charlie
sullivan's famous distortion guitar. there should be
a version in the RTCmix distribution.
paul lansky