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Re: [sc-users] BufWr help, please

On Saturday, January 3, 2004, at 03:36  PM, sc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Please help. The code below will not work unless I first run the code from the BufWr help file during the same session on the server. I'm not sure why that's so.

Try this first:


SynthDef("pads", {arg dur = 0.67, depth = 0.5, amps = 0.2, rate = 1;
	var pitch_array, signal, flange, fade, sig2;
pitch_array = Control.names([\pitch_array]).kr([55, 55, 60, 65, 69, 70, 76]);
	pitch_array = Pseq(pitch_array, inf).asStream;

	signal = Mix.arFill(7, {LPF.ar(
Formant.ar( (pitch_array.next + 12).midicps, 600 + FSinOsc.kr(0.2, [1.5 * pi, 0, pi, 0.5 * pi].choose, 400), 400, 0.125) +
			Pulse.ar((pitch_array.next + 12).midicps - 0.8, 0.5, 0.05) +
			LFSaw.ar((pitch_array.next + 12).midicps - 0.5, 0, 0.02),
		8000 + FSinOsc.kr(0.34, [1.5 * pi, 0, pi, 0.5 * pi].choose, 4000)
		) }) * 0.167;
flange = CombL.ar(signal, 0.05, Rand(0.007, 0.01)+LFTri.kr(dur*0.5, 0, 0.005), 0.035, depth);
	fade = Line.kr(0.001, 1, 1);
	sig2 = LeakDC.ar(signal * fade  + flange, 0.95);
BufWr.ar(sig2, 3, Phasor.ar(0, BufRateScale.kr(0) * rate, 0, BufFrames.kr(0)));

Your BufRateScale and BufFrames ugens are reading from buffer 0. Change to 3 and it works for me.
