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Re: [sc-users] "urn" type function

Just a note that the method below incurs all its processing overhead in the scramble call, whereas my solution spread it out incrementally. This will scale to very large sizes, the scramble method will not. This can be important when running in real time and generating random lists.
On Friday, December 6, 2002, at 12:27  PM, Michael Theodore wrote:

n = 10;
a = Array.series(n,0,1); // create a series of values
a = a.scramble;          //scramble them
a.do({ arg item, i;
    a.at(i).postln;    //read them out one at a time

--- james mccartney   james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   <http://www.audiosynth.com>
SuperCollider - a real time synthesis programming language for the PowerMac.